EVENTS | NOV. 2019REDES2019 Conference
The first Research and Education in Design Conference organized by the group was held at the Lisbon School of Architecture – Universidade de Lisboa between 13 and 15 of November 2019
PRESENTATION | SEP. 2019Rita Almendra presents paper at the ‘Design Revolutions’ IASDR conference
Professor Rita Almendra presented her paper entitled Is it interesting? Yes. But, is it important? -Identifying fundamental issues to create a good Design PhD proposal
EVENTS | APR. 2019REDES participates in the ‘CIAUD ongoing’ event
CIAUD the Center for Research in Architecture Urbanism and Design, opened its doors to the FA-ULisboa community as well as to secondary schools in Lisbon
EVENTS | NOV. 2018João Ferreira defends his PhD thesis
On Wednesday 7 November 2018, REDES’ researcher João Ferreira defended his PhD thesis at Delft University. His research was supervised by REDES group coordinator
EVENTS | SEP. 2018REDES researchers present papers at E&PDE Conference
REDES researchers Ana Cristina Dias and João Ferreira presented two papers during the Engineering & Product Design Education Conference which was held at the Imperial College in London
EVENTS | FEB. 2018Ana Cristina Dias defends her PhD thesis
On Thursday 15 February 2018, REDES’ researcher Ana Cristina defended her PhD thesis at the Lisbon School of Architecture – Universidade de Lisboa. Ana’s research was supervised
EVENTS | FEB. 2018REDES organizes a visit from the University of Bern
The group received a delegation from Bern which included professors Robert Lzicar (coordinator of the master’s degree in communication design), Selina Bernet, Vera Sacchetti