El Diseño de la comunicación activista. Caso: Pueblos Originarios y Nacionalidades del Territorio Ecuatoriano

Principal Investigator: Andrea Pazmiño Villa

Many of the decisions made in the design process at social, political, and even ecological levels have helped to perpetuate inequality, often causing irreversible havoc in the communities most affected by these decisions. In this context, practices such as design activism bring an interesting starting point for a convivial reconstruction. However, it is still necessary to integrate other elements that guarantee a real social transformation.

The Ecuadorian territory has been constituted as a pluricultural and multicultural state with more than 14 nationalities and 18 native peoples. In the context of today’s society, where there is a matrix of domination, these communities need to fight for the recognition and respect of their rights.

This research proposal considers the possibility of an activist design aligned to the vision and needs of the indigenous peoples and nationalities of the Ecuadorian territory. For this purpose, an exploratory phase of research on philosophies, theories, and practices of autonomous design, the history of social movements, the cosmovision of native peoples, and the context of Ecuadorian civil society has begun. It is intended to work in cooperation with the communities and with other actors related to the discipline of design, anthropology, and education. It is proposed that the designer thus becomes a mediator and that data collection is a form of coproduction of knowledge that helps to resolve the concern of how activist design could play a constructive role in strengthening the life projects and the struggle for autonomy of the native peoples of the Ecuadorian territory.

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