Behavior, Society and Design Fixation: how intervene in project methodology for innovative solutions

Principal Investigator: Nikole Melo de Mendonça

Advisor: Prof.ª PhD Rita Assoreira Almendra
Universidade de Lisboa
ULisboa, Portugal

Advisor: Prof.ª PhD Ingrid Gomes Braga
Architecture and Urbanism Department
Universidade Estadual do Maranhão, Brasil

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In professional and educational environment contexts where creativity is one of the action pillars, such as Design, Architecture and Engineering, Design fixation theme emerges, which is both about blindness to broaden horizons to new design solutions, and on fixation and repetition of already known and preconceived solutions.

It is possible to find a variety of approaches on Design Fixation and transposition of this creative barrier phenomenon. However, this ongoing research proposes to investigate the theme establishing interdisciplinarity with Social Psychology, from the perspective of how the normative influences of social contexts (physical or digital), the blind acceptance of common and traditional ways of doing things and use of spaces, as well as the reflection of compliance behavior and social acceptance influence the development of design solutions.

Motivated to investigate how minimize the effects of Design Fixation in conception phase of a project, the research intends to propose sets of guidelines and recommendations to lessen creative blindness and the fixation of ideas caused by psychosocial issues in the scope of social adjustment and conformity. With a methodological basis of an applied nature, and with qualitative and quantitative approaches, the phenomenon of Design Fixation and the design methodology in the scope of creativity and innovation are being investigated, seeking to understand how the cultural, traditional, and social environment can influence people’s relationships with spaces, objects and ways of performing day-to-day tasks.

By proposing surveys and dynamic methods, like creative toolkits, with groups and individuals who work in the field of creativity, it is expected to obtain data for analysis and understanding of the phenomenon to unravel the critical points of cultural, traditional, and social influence factors in the process of project development for possible interventions in the project methodology and overcoming design fixation barriers. As a benefit, the aim is to broaden horizons for new solutions in the design of spaces and objects.


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